Welcome to the Department of Psychology Heading link
The UIC Department of Psychology advances knowledge in the psychological sciences with locally-engaged research, ranging from brain to society, to impact our city, nation, and world. We prepare students with diverse social experiences and identities to become the next generation of psychologists, leaders, scholars, and educators.
Department of Psychology Heading link

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Departmental Highlights Heading link
Our faculty are internationally recognized for their cutting-edge research that has resulted in numerous national and international awards. The interdisciplinary approach to faculty research results in active collaborations with faculty in all other UIC colleges, particularly in the Colleges of Education, Engineering and Medicine. Psychology faculty are also actively involved in or direct Inter-College Programs such as the Center for Clinical and Translational Science, Council on Teacher Education, Institute for Health and Research Policy and Neuroscience Cluster Hire Initiative. Psychology faculty are further committed teachers and mentors leading to the largest number of teaching awards of any department in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, including Department Teaching Award of Excellence, as well as several Teaching Recognition Program, Award for Excellence in Teaching and Silver Circle awardees. In addition, our graduate teaching assistants have received numerous teaching and mentorship awards.
Check out a few of our department members profile features and interviews below! You can also view more of them here!