Psychology Department Online Teaching Resources
Technology Solutions (a.k.a. ACCC) and LAS compiled up-to-date online teaching resources. The teaching resources are intended to support all psychology courses being offered an online or hybrid format.
SPSS for Classroom Heading link
Virtual Computer Lab
The Virtual Computer Lab provides UIC students, faculty, and staff with access to specialized software from their own devices.
ONLINE Course Communication Guidelines (Netiquette) Heading link
- Be mindful of different cultural and linguistic backgrounds, as well as different political ideologies and religious beliefs.
- Use good judgment when composing your written responses. Swearing and profanity should be avoided. Also consider that slang terms can be misunderstood or misinterpreted.
- Be careful using all capital letters when composing your written responses. This can be considered “shouting” on the Internet and is regarded as impolite or aggressive. It can also be stressful on the eye when trying to read your message.
- Be respectful of others’ views and opinions.
- Be careful when using acronyms. If you use an acronym it is best to spell out its meaning first, then put the acronym in parentheses afterward, for example: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). After that you can use the acronym freely throughout your message.
- Use good grammar and spelling in written communications.
- In emails, always identify yourself and what class and section you are in. It is a good practice to put your course and section in the subject line. This helps your instructor identify course-related emails.
Recording of synchronously delivered courses is not required. If your class is not recorded then it is up to you with respect to requiring students to use their webcam video.
Access to A Laptop and/or Hotspot Heading link
If you learn of students who do not have computer access at home, please direct them here, where they can log in and then fill out a form with Technology Solutions and receive a laptop and/or Wi-Fi hotspot in the mail.