Tidbit Archive
Travel Insurance Heading link
Travel Insurance (9.3.24)
All faculty and students traveling internationally must enroll in international travel insurance using the applicable university-based travel and coverage website. It is the responsibility of each to ensure insurance enrollment for their travel.
Effective immediately, employees traveling internationally on system business will be required to provide documentation of insurance enrollment on their Chrome River expense report. This includes, but is not limited to, business trips, conferences, faculty exchanges, faculty-led study abroad programs, teaching, research, service, or sabbaticals.
Failure to enroll in international travel insurance may result in non-reimbursement of travel expenses. Please see below for more details and instructions.
All UIC students who travel outside the U.S. and its territories on UIC-related or authorized travel must:
- Enroll in the ITS travel roster.
- Obtain the University of Illinois System’s comprehensive insurance plan through Gallagher Insurance or an equivalent insurance approved by the UIC Study Abroad Office (The fee should be about $18. You can pay out of pocket and be reimbursed; this will not count against your departmental student travel award)
All faculty or staff traveling internationally on UIC-related business:
- Must enroll in the university’s ITS travel portal.
- Will receive the Gallagher comprehensive insurance at no additional cost.
For more information:
Ride Share (9.10.24) Heading link
Ride Sharing (9.10.24)
When using Uber as your shared ride service when traveling, UberX is allowable and if multiple employees are traveling together then UberXL is also an allowable option.
Please note that Uber Black or Uber Black SUV is not allowable.
Keep this in mind for other shared ride services; only utilize the most basic/economical option.