Jenna Rowen Szerszen, PhD
Director of OAPS, Clinical Associate Professor
Office of Applied Psychological Services
Building & Room:
3008 BSB
1007 W Harrison Street
Office Phone:
Dr. Jenna Rowen Szerszen received her Bachelor’s degree in Cognitive Science from Johns Hopkins University and her M.A. and Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from The University of Virginia. Dr. Rowen completed her doctoral internship at the Kennedy Krieger Institute in the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, specializing in child and family therapy, she received advanced training as a postdoctoral fellow at The Family Institute at Northwestern University, in couple, child, and family therapy. Dr. Rowen has worked in a variety of settings, such as hospitals, community-based clinics, university centers, and specialized institutions, delivering empirically-based treatment to individuals, children, adolescents, couples, and families. Dr. Rowen joined UIC as the Associate Director of the Office of Applied Psychological Services (OAPS), and she has served as OAPS Director since 2018.
Dr. Rowen’s research has investigated ways in which high levels of family negativity and inter-parental conflict adversely impact the co-parenting relationship, parent-child relationships, and child psychological well-being. She has published several articles and book chapters and given numerous presentations in the areas of inter-parental conflict, effective co-parenting, and child custody. Her research interests have shifted to improving client outcomes in trainee-delivered services to increase access to care and investigating effective training and supervision methods in clinical psychology. In her role as OAPS Director and clinical assistant professor in psychology, she teaches undergraduate classes in the applied psychology program and advanced graduate classes in clinical skills and theory. She oversees clinic operations and provides supervision to all clinical psychology graduate students during their internal practicum at OAPS.
Dr. Rowen provides supervision and mentorship to all students in the program. She does not have an ongoing research lab, thus, she does not accept graduate students into the program.