Franchesca Kuhney
Graduate Student, Clinical
Building & Room:
BSB 3019
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My research focuses on characterizing environmental and neurobiological influences responsible for social dysfunction, disrupted development of skills needed to navigate social environments, and clinical course in individuals with psychosis-spectrum pathology.
Advisor: Vijay Mittal (Northwestern University)
Selected Publications
Park, J., Damme, K.S.F., Kuhney, F.S., Shankman, S., Mittal, V.A. (2022). Anxiety and Psychotic-Like Experiences Impact Cognitive Performance in the General Population. Scientific Reports.
Oluwoye, O., Davis, B., Kuhney, F.S., Anglin, D. (2021). A Systematic Review of Pathways to Care in the U.S. for Black Individuals with Early Psychosis and their Family Members. NPJ Schizophrenia.
Kuhney, F. S., Damme, K.S.F., Pelletier-Baldelli, A., Chun, C., Ellman, L., Schiffman, J., & Mittal, V.A. (2021) Prevalence and Functional Consequences of Social Anxiety in Individuals at Clinical High-Risk for Psychosis: Perspective from a Community Sample Comparison. Schizophrenia Bulletin Open.
Wijtenburg, S.A., West, J., Korenic, S.A., Kuhney, F., Gaston, F.E., Chen, H., Rowland, L.M. (2021). Multimodal Neuroimaging Study of Visual Plasticity in Schizophrenia. Frontiers in Psychiatry, Molecular Psychiatry.
Pelletier-Baldelli, A., Strauss, G.P., Kuhney, F.S., Chun, C., Gupta, T., Ellman, L.E., Schiffman, J., Mittal, V.A. (2021). Perceived Stress Influences Anhedonia and Social Functioning in a Community Sample Enriched for Psychosis-Risk. Journal of Psychiatric Research.
Wijtenburg, S. A., West, J., Korenic, S. A., Kuhney, F., Gaston, F. E., Chen, H., & Rowland, L. M. (2017). Glutamatergic Metabolites are Associated with Visual Plasticity in Humans. Neuroscience Letters, 644, 30-36.
Carew, A. W., Palmisano, A., Deaton, B. E., Kuhney, F., Niezrecki, R., & Santos, M. (2016). Cravings in a Virtual Reality Room Paired with Chocolate Predict Eating Disorder Risk. International Journal of Child Health and Human Development, 9(3), 299.
Astur, R. S., Palmisano, A. N., Carew, A. W., Deaton, B. E., Kuhney, F. S., Niezrecki, R. N.…& Ritter, C. J. (2016). Conditioned Place Preferences in Humans Using Secondary Reinforcers. Behavioural Brain Research, 297, 15-19
Astur, R. S., Palmisano, A. N., Hudd, E. C., Carew, A. W., Deaton, B. E., Kuhney, F. S.,…& Santos, M. (2015). Pavlovian Conditioning to Food Reward as a Function of Eating Disorder Risk. Behavioural Brain Research, 291, 277-282
Notable Honors
2022, Jamie Carter Award, University of Illinois - Chicago
2021, Modeling Developmental Change i the ABCD Study Workshop, NIMH Grant #R25-MH125545
2021, Honorable Mention, Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP), National Science Foundation
2021, Early Career Award, Schizophrenia International Research Society
2018, NIMH Three-Minute Talk Competition Winner, National Institute of Mental Health
2017 – 2019, NIMH Post-Baccalaureate Intramural Research Training Award (IRTA), National Institute of Mental Health
2015 – 2017, Honors College, University of Connecticut
2015, Dean's List, University of Connecticut
MA, University of Illinois Chicago, 2021
BA, University of Connecticut, 2017
Professional Memberships
Association for Psychological Science
Flux Society for Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience