Ryne Estabrook
Clinical Assistant Professor
Statistics, Methods, and Measurement Core
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1007 W Harrison Street
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I am a quantitative psychologist with expertise in longitudinal latent variable models, measurement, statistical programming and lifespan development. My research program and training focus on the modeling of repeated multivariate measurement, including the modeling of mixtures of cross-sectional and longitudinal data proposed in this study.
Selected Publications
Estabrook, R. (2015). Evaluating Measurement of Dynamic Constructs: Defining a Measurement Model of Derivatives. Psychological Methods. 20 (1), 117-141. PMCID: PMC4469187.
Estabrook, R. & Neale, M. C. (2013). A Comparison of Factor Score Estimation Methods in the Presence of Missing Data. Multivariate Behavioral Research. 48 (1), 1-27. PMCID: PMC3773873.
Estabrook, R., Grimm, K. J. & Bowles, R. P. (2012). A Monte Carlo Simulation Study Assessment of the Reliability of Within–Person Variability. Psychology and Aging. 27 (3), 560-576. PMCID:PMC3389302.
Estabrook, R., Sadler, M., & McGue, M. (2015). Differential Item Functioning in the CAMDEX Depression Scale across Middle Age and Late-Life. Psychological Assessment, 27, 4, 1219-1233. PMCID: PMC4633409.
Estabrook, R., Massey, S. H., Clark, C. A. C., Burns, J. L., Mustanski, B., Cook, E. H., O’Brien, T. C., Espy, K. A., & Wakschlag, L. S. (2016). Separating family-level and direct exposure effects of smoking during pregnancy on offspring externalizing symptoms: Bridging the behavior genetic and behavior teratologic divide. Behavior Genetics, 46, (3), 389-402. PMCID:PMC4860106.
Grimm. K. J., Ram, N., & Estabrook, R. (2010). Nonlinear Structured Growth Mixture Models in Mplus and OpenMx. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 45 (6), 887-909. PMCID: PMC4236851.
Estabrook, R., Cella, D., Zhao, F., Manola, J., DiPaola, R. S., Wagner, L. I., & Haas, N. (2018). Variability of item-level change in multi-item scales: an example from ECOG-ACRIN study E2805. Quality of Life Research. 27(6), 1589-1597. PMCID: 6004788.
Neale. M. C., Hunter, M. D., Pritikin, J. N., Zahery, M., Brick, T. R., Kirkpatrick, R. M., Estabrook. R., Bates, T. C., Maes, H. H. & Boker, S. M. (online first). OpenMx 2.0: Extended Structural Equation and Statistical Modeling. Manuscript available online at Psychometrika. PMCID: PMC4516707.
Boker, S., Neale, M., Maes, H., Wilde, M., Spiegel, M., Brick, T., Spies, J., Estabrook, R., Kenny, S., Bates, T., Mehta, P., & Fox, J. (2011). OpenMx: An Open Source Extended Structural Equation Modeling Framework. Psychometrika, 76 (2), 306-317. PMCID:PMC3525063.
Ph.D. Psychology (2010) University of Virginia
Concentration: Quantitative Psychology
M.A. Psychology (2007) University of Virginia
Concentration: Quantitative Psychology
B.S. Psychology (2005) Arizona State University