Alexander Demos, PhD
Clinical Associate Professor, Statistics, Methods, and Measurement Core
Brain and Cognitive, Social and Personality Affiliate
Brain and Cognitive Sciences
Building & Room:
1018A BSB
1007 W Harrison Street
Office Phone:
I am reviewing applications for fall 2024 Admissions Heading link
Dr. Demos will be reviewing applications for doctoral students to begin Fall 2024.
In my Music, Action, and Dynamics laboratory, we use the movements and timing between people during musical performances and social interactions involving Music to understand the cognitive, perceptual, and social mechanisms that allow people to coordinate their actions. We study how Music affords social and emotional experiences and leverage dynamical systems and time-series approaches to understand musical experiences. In addition, my research group is involved with the BiAffect project, where we use naturalistic smartphones to study mood and cognition.
I am looking for new graduate students to start in Fall 2023 on music projects and BiAffect.
PhD, Perception, Action, Cognition, University of Connecticut; Storrs, CT, 2013.
MA, Cognitive Psychology, New York University; New York, NY, 2006
BA, Psychology, New York University; New York, NY, 2003