Christopher Baker, PhD
Senior Lecturer
General and Applied Programs
Building & Room:
1022B BSB
1007 W Harrison Street
Office Phone:
Christopher A. Baker, PhD is an interdisciplinary teacher and scientist with a background in topics ranging from cognition and memory, to community psychology and organizing, to food science and martial arts. He’s curious about the intersection of seemingly disparate fields and provides a unique interdisciplinary experience in all courses.
Notable Honors
2016, 2019, 2023, Award Recipient, 3x Recipient of Silver Circle Teaching Award
2018, Award Recipient, Teaching Recognition Program Award
2016-2019, Award Recipient, 4x Recipient of Hope Teaching Award
2011, Award Recipient, Excellence in Teaching Award
2007, Award Recipient, Excellence in Teaching Award
2006, Award Recipient, Golden Apple Award
2008 PhD Cognitive Science, University of California, Santa Cruz
2004 MS Cognitive Science, University of California, Santa Cruz
2000 BA Psychology, Northwestern University, Evanston IL