Dr. Kate Zinsser Publishes new book, “No Longer Welcome: The Epidemic of Expulsion from Early Childhood Education.”
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Congrats are in order for Dr. Kate Zinnser on her new book, “No Longer Welcome: The Epidemic of Expulsion from Early Childhood Education.”
“The main goal of this book is to keep the conversation front and center and keep us from collectively wiping our hands of the crisis. The exclusion of young children is harmful to our larger society, and we all have a role to play in ending the practice,” said Zinsser, UIC associate professor of psychology and principal investigator at the Social-Emotional Teaching and Learning Lab.
“No Longer Welcome” describes various personal, academic and community implications of early expulsions; why significant disparities exist and persist; and promising policies, practices and interventions.
Check out the full UIC News article.